So it is not possible to use the internal dns for clients connected via VPN? If I set the DNS options on the USG they will only be used by the clients on the LAN, after configuring the Zyxel as the primary DNS server on the clients. Is this correct?
We have two VPN connections enabled, one with IKEv2 for Windows clients and the other with IKEv1 (L2TP) for Linux clients. I confirm that the address pools do not overlap. Best regards
I enabled the ESP protocol in Policy Control and found the logs
We have both Windows and Linux systems so we used the wizard which allows access both with Secuextender and without. It uses the IKEv2 protocol
I configured phase 1 and phase 2 as indicated, but the client still won't connect. I used the wizard to enable vpn and the L2TP protocol was not enabled. Is it necessary to enable it? If I enable the L2TP protocol I cannot select any connection Policy Control has been set up
It seems that the packets are being captured correctly by the USG.