Thank you. This is what I was looking for. I appreciate it.
This is a very good ref doc, but not really a reference doc to theCLI itself. I scanned through the entire doc but couldn't find what I am really looking for—the ref guide to the CLI itself. This doc referes to it, but doesn't include it, from what I could tell.
Thanks, PeterUK. that was a great suggestion! I didn't realize I could create new GEO/IP groups. Learned something from you today. I created a new group with USA and Germany and it works great! thanks, Rick
Thanks, PeterUK, I read that thread and changed the setting in my Chrome instance, and it did block the porn. However, that's not a real solution; I can't leave the content filtering up to the individuals in the building to change a setting in Chrome on their personal device. Even if Chrome and the web-sites have an issue…
Update: it appears that blocking all UDP ports does not fully solve the problem. When I block all UDP ports, close down Chrome and reopen Chrome, the first attempt to acces the porn site is blocked, but if I open a new tab in Chrome the page is now visible.