einaren  Freshman Member


  • So I solved the problem and it was a mistake from my side. 🙈 It is an registration issue. When I hooked the device up for the first time I registered the device. Set up a few things and then I had to pospone the job. When I came back to it I continued but could not get it to work. I decided to perform a Factory reset…
  • I've set them up with the gateways. My problem exactly, what is wrong 🙉… I also find it strange that when I set the policies to "deny" insted of "allow", with the "log alarm" on, no event is registerd in the log file. 🤔 I have also tried to reset to "Factory default" and started over a couple of times. Is there anything…
  • Here is a screencapture of my interface and policy window.
  • Hi. Same as I tried as well (but with different subnets) For test purposes I have the computers directly connected to the different Zones, so no ACL switch connected). Also tried to disable the Policy control. As far as I understand this should be quite straight forward, therefore I'm not shure what I'm missing. Or is…
  • Can I use the XMODEM fuction to upload the firmware, or is that for something else?
  • Hi. Yes that is what I am currently using, only way I can communicate with it, as far as I know in current status. It is also probably worth mentioning that I had coms with the FW before hitting the reset button. So it seems like something failed during reset of device.
  • Hi. Thanks for the quick reply on this. I tried as described above and also followed the provedure given. After entering the command "atkz -f -l" i run the "atgo" command it starts to boot up. I still get the continues message of "Check partition table error: 1" I set up a computer with static IP /…