ewing  Freshman Member


  • Maybe I did not explain well, the problem , the additional public ip not working in 1:1 nat only if first assigned to the wan interface, remove it from wan and until then assigned to the server.this method work like 18 days with no problem, until yesterday, I lost connection to the server from the public ip in 1:1 nat, I…
  • Yes, the 1:1 nat cant be on interface ip, what I did was assign all the public ips to the wan interface, remove it, then made the 1:1 nat rules, I dont know why but doing that the servers know the route wheres the gateway, maybe they thinked the usg310 was in the network, (mac, arp, cache route) I dont know.
  • After doing so many test, finally I found the solution, I assigned first the public IPs to the interface, removed it, then made the rule 1:1 nat and its working .What happend if I got 100 ips? this time was only 3.
  • I send you the files.
  • I'm putting this video because maybe someone can give me some clue. https://youtu.be/o1LSem_6g5w
  • I disable all the snat rules for test, and nat rules with same reaults.
  • Yes, the 1100 is natting, the serves with ip in the same lan of the zyxel can access the internet, the servers in different lan can not, I did the routes but dont work. What information you need.? NOTE I have this problem with the 310 with firmware 4.31, but with firmware 4.25 everithing works.
  • So, I need other lan port in my zyxel, I can't do it in the same lan port? I tried with my wan port and my lan port with different configurstion, in one result said the ip in the wan its already and putme, then I tried with another public ip in the fixed ip and I can't access to zyxel and no internet
  • I made and apd rule apply to lan, I think this help, a day later Psn unblock my ip.
  • Hi, I´m still workin with firmware v4.25, the v4.30(AAPJ.0) has the same problem reboot? because I got and IDP license and I have the reboot issue.
  • In my case I got many wans, I made two rules in this order in policy routes 1. Access from the lan Source : server ip Destination Address: Lans (I made a group for all my subnets) Next Hop: Type Auto DSP Marking : Preserve Address Translation : Outgoing Interface 2.1. Access from the wan Source : server ip Destination…
  • if necessary, the firewall rule