gabimes  Freshman Member


  • Hi, " When I have gone to restore the backup it says "wrong password" the issue here is that i did not set up a password. I didn't encrypt the backup. Every time i have tried the backup restore I get the same issue "wrong password" " On my backup i don't have a zydar_lock_file , only .lst and .dar files. So the backup…
  • Hello, I have on backup with both two type of files in the folder (.dar &.lst) but seems that continue request password or is write "wrong password" . What I can do? PS: the issue is the same like at @tgo
  • @Macace On NAS542 I was encrypted with eCh0raix Ransomware I have a backup on an external hard drive made recently, but when restoring at the end of the process, we have the WRONG PASSWORD error written in red Is something that we didn't do right.
    in ech0raix Comment by gabimes August 2024