Hi Kay, yes the switch ist working fine now. Thank you
update: Sorry, I'm stupid. I indeed used my old switches PSU, which barely supplies 5x 1Gbit ports… but fits since it's also rated at 12V, but onyl 0.5A. Thanks for reminding me, Kay :D Maybe the printed Netgear Logo on the old PSU would have beedn a good hint :D
Hi Kay, it's the RTL8125 / RTL8125B(S)(G) chipset. But this doesnt actually matter, the probem will occur when any device ist connected to the 2.5G ports while the Synology DS418 is connected to the switch. The power supply is the boxed one rated at 12V 0.5A, which actually seems very low for a switch with SFP+ ports….. If…
update: eben if I disable the bon on the Synology and connect only one 1Gbit port, the switch will immediately reboot if a 2.5G port is connected. When disconnecting the Synology 2.5G port is working fine…