No need to dig into this any further, I ended up returning the switch and have gone all UniFi to make management easier
Secondary issue... I'm seeing intermittent but regular failures for one or more ports on the NAS to pick up a DHCP address through the Zyxel switch - I often get a 169.x.x.x autoconfiguration address. If I connect all NAS ports via another switch or directly to my UniFi Dream Machine Pro, they pull an IPv4 DHCP address…
I connected three of the NAS Ethernet ports to the XGS1210 in ports 1-3 (port 4 empty) and connected the fourth NAS port to my security gateway so that I have failover connectivity to the NAS. When I try - IEEE802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation with either DA or SA the NAS reports: When I try - Balance XOR (802.3ad v1) with…
Thank you. Which of the four modes on the NAS is likely to work with that? I'm guessing either: - IEEE802.3ad Dynamic Link Aggregation or - Balance XOR (802.3ad v1) Thanks
Thank you @Zyxel_Melen
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