Hi Melen, you are right, I forgot to put the switches with the old firmware into the prtg-scan. So only the other switches and the two with the speciale firmware were scanned. Sorry for that, I installed the sensores for the switches with the old firmware. Now we can see if the error occures. I guess it takes some days.…
Hello Melen, since we updated the special firmware no failure happened, also the switches with the old firmware are working properly. I remember that you stopped the auto update function for the switches inside Nebula (am I right?). So if yes, should we put it back in case of security reasons?? Afterwords we will see if…
Hello, yes, I would test the firmware upgrade. Can you send me a short description and the firmware to install on the switch. I guess we put the new firmware on the two switches which had the problem. Furthermore we asign the other 4 to a static IP. So we will see in some days, what happens, ok?? Thanks for helping !!
Hi Melen, I think the frequency seems ok, the last reboot was on Jan 24 and I left some time to post my question here. On the Prtg-Server I use ping to monitor the network. Best regards, Michael
Hello Melen, Thank your reply, thats right we use prtg server to ping our network appliances I enabled the support access. Best regards, Michael