Thanks for reiterating the fact that I'm too stupid to use your hardware. This is not the first time that i have failed miserably to configure my USG60W. Last time support helped, they managed to setup an isolated packet based VLAN (non-Zyxel WLAN) forwarded to Guest, I had no idea how they set it up and it stopped working…
This is not an academic job, this is black box trial & error with insufficient documentation and zero feedback for troublshooting. For example, the contents of my DHCP log after a sequence of lan1 configuration changes and attempts to renew the IPv6 addresses using ipconfig /release6 & ipconfig /renew6: Client which is…
I performed a reboot. Lan1 clients get 'fd' addresses. Ping resolves to an IPv6 address but fails. I give up. I've wasted at least 4 days over my Christamas break trying to get this to work. Support used to help via chat, now they charge €99 per 30 minutes. I guess that it's so complicated to setup that their devices…
lan1: lan2: I modified the suffix address as you suggested, and now there is no IPv6 address from lan1 or lan2 and clients on lan1 do not get IPv6 addresses any more.
I modified wan1 so that there is no suffix based IP address asignment: I checked the prefix given to the wan1 by the ISP modem: Based on the above (and my understanding): wan1 has a IPv6 EUI-64 using the delegated prefix from the ISP modem. wan1 has been given a 2a00:79c0:759:4afc::/62 to delegate, so 'fc' & 'fd' appear…
I have the latest firmware: 4.35(AAKZ.2). The IP addresses are automatically assigned, via delegation. The following setup if from lan 1: The modem from my ISP is managing a /56 prefix and handing out subnets (at least this is my understanding), and I can only set the suffix. IP addresses are working. The problem is that…
The answer you tried to post: The additional WAN1 address looks not correct to me, but maybe needs some investigation later. But for the first step your USG seems to be connected to IPv6 because you can ping it in the diagnose console. For testing some additional steps: Use the latest firmware or at least a newer one. To…
I originally looked at, but if I use this I get: This doesn't match the instructions, which is strange as they have setup SLACC, but it's not using a stateless SLACC address. IPv6 prefix delegation appears to be working, each of my clients…
WAN: LAN: The DNS and prefix requests are both setup in wan1 and both respond. Clients receive a prefix based IPv6 address, but no DNS. If I connect the one of the client devices directly to the same Fritz!Box that the USG60W is connected too then the DNS is also configured and IPv6 WEB based checks pass. The USG60W can…