Tried this as well, no good. Changed IP address to .10, used sudo arping -A -s, no responses as expected but the ARP cache did not update.
Thanks, but gratuitous ARP still does not cause the C3510XZ to update its ARP table. I did the following (the new address I had to use was, the locked address is sudo apt install iputils-arping (changed IP address to in /etc/network/interfaces, rebooted) ip add (to confirm new…
Thanks. The VM (this time) is a Debian VM not W10. I went in and enabled Notify Switch on the vSwitch to send gratuitous ARPs but it had no effect. The ARP cache on the router stays the same. I'm pretty sure this is a problem that could be solved either with an ARP flush command or (less good) a change to the ARP timeout…