Yes, I will pursue it in the Plex forum. Thank you VERY much for your great help!!!
/ $ find /i-data/sysvol/.PKG/PlexMediaServer/share/PlexMediaServer | wc -l 485990 - that's an insane number - it took 30min to retrieve Were you suspecting this? Is this a known (mis-)behavior?
That went well - but... Following your instructions, e2fsck actually found something to work with:e2fsck 1.42.12 (29-Aug-2014) Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes Deleted inode 14024861 has zero dtime. Fix<y>? yes Deleted inode 96474457 has zero dtime. Fix<y>? yes Pass 2: Checking directory structure Pass 3:…
Wow, that looks scary... Just to be sure, in my case - after logging in with telnet - I should only execute umount /i-data/sysvol and e2fsck -f /dev/md2, not resize2fs /dev/md2 , right?
Alright! I can not find the volume repair button, but: disabling Plex, MetaRepository and Tweahs from the App Center certainly made a difference - restart time is now back to normal. Before disabling packages, I was actually able to log in via SSH during the wait; TOP tells me that the problem may be Plex-related -…
Hi Mijzelf Thanks for taking the time to look into this! Not sure I entirely understand your first question. But the NAS seems to function OK when at first it is ready, mainly delivering media through the Plex media server - I used your port. I think the 326 is actually under-configured for this task - but it works. I…