Hi, I didn't removed the LAGG, just the LAN. But I'm not getting the internet. Sorry for the late reply, I was busy and went out of country for few days. Will keep trying
I tried my best to get it work. My pfsense is configured the same way as you have mentioned. I changed from LACP to load balance. If i don't connect the 1st port to my LAN on pfsense, there is no internet available. Would give a try again a complete reset.
Any update please
Hi, With the same setup, i'm only able to get management vlan on the AP. Rest of the SSID is available, but not getting connected. Need help pls…. I may return the switch if this is not getting resolved. I like the switch, which is very portable and handy. Thanks
Hi Nami, That topology is correct. I have 4 ports in pfsense router with one being WAN, 2nd port is LAN and 3rd and 4th port for LAGG. I have created vlan's using LAGG interface. On switch 1st port is connected to the LAN of pfsense and 7 & 8 connected to the lagg on pfsense. Port 3 for AP. I have a cisco switch which is…
It is not working as per the configuration. I'm giving up. I have made all the trials and nothing comes up except my management network.
OK, will try that and update.
My current setup as follows. Pfsense LAN is connected to port 1 and my AP connected to port 3. I have connected the LAGG ports of Pfsense to port 7&8 in the switch. What setting to change on port 6 to be the uplink?
Hi, Pfsense has tags for each VLAN. This is my second setup. I’m using this for my lab simulation. If I connect the pfsense router to a Cisco switch, it works. All the vlan ssid is having internet when connected with Cisco switch, but not with GS1200-8. So I'm pretty sure, offense is configured properly and working.
Hi My pfsense router has configured with DHCP server as follows I have tried using cisco switch and works well with all SSID, but with zyxel switch, i only get the LAN network SSID working. Thanks
Yes my management vlan is 1. After modifying as your instruction, I'm only able to get connected with management SSID in my AP. The other SSID's are not getting connected. So, i'm still not able to make all my vlan's on the AP. Here is my setup for your preview
Hi, So I have configured my router (pfsense) with the vlan's and also a LAGG interface which has all the vlan added to it. How to set engress on lag 2 with the switch. I have attached my screen shot of my switch configurationi