Thanks, I can indeed access the NAS by connecting anyway. So I set it up, with HTTP in stead of HTTPS, so I do not get the safety error anymore. Or do I then risk other safety issues?
When I try to access: "", I get this error: This is the UPnP router status: I have my NAS connected directly to the router with a ethernet cable. And I use the wifi connection of the router to have network connection with my laptop. No other devices are involved. I can ping to…
I did the port redirection and enabled the HTTPS connection, but it is still not working. What I did found is that according to the control panel there is no UPnP Port Mapping enabled (see image below). Could that be an issue?
Thanks for your reply. But I am still not able to access my NAS. The screenshot below shows the Open Ports configuration of my router. I set the 'Private IP' to the IP adress of the NAS. What do I need to do more?