shv  Freshman Member


  • It might be possible to install MR, Entware, lighttpd, php7 and than Owncloud or Nextcloud. I already tested lighttpd and php7 under Entware and it works on fw5 NAS542. You can find further information here.
  • It is back.
  • Hello, I am using the following solution: * Move CIFS directories to NFS: e.g. mv /i-data/BLBLBA/video /i-data/BLBLBA/nfs/video * Create symbolic links for the former CIFS directories: e.g.. ln -s /i-data/BLBLBA/nfs/video /i-data/BLBLBA/video If you use this solution you have identical directory content for CIFS and NFS…
  • You should copy just the file web_prefix into the admin folder. After an update in the AppCenter you can install the package MetaRepository