

  • I think the device HA pro feature is device and firmware specific. That's why I think you wouldn't be able to do that with two different device. I also agree with you and also don't know why they brought two different devices where there is no actual differences between those two.
  • I had the same issue before and their tech support gave me a patch. I upload it and it still working fine. You can call them and ask for the patch.
  • For copying the current settings to the usg310 I think it will not gonna work. Because configurations are devices specific so you can't just copy and paste it. You can do it for the same kind of devices. What you can do, you can download the config file and use it as a reference and set the second one up from scratch.
  • I don't think that there is any special difference between these two devices. But you can always check the datasheet. Zywall 1100- USG1100- I got it from their ftp site. Thanks