

  • @Zyxel_Jeff - thank you! These all seem to be viable solutions. My only concern is the lack of a TAP interface or bridge. The network devices will not talk if the same subnet isn’t present.
  • Attaching a rudimentary diagram here to help explain my explanation :) Edit: Media Device #2 should be on the same subnet as Location A - 192.168.1.X
  • Also, @Zyxel_Jeff - if you have a moment, can you point me in a direction of any helpful documentation on how to configure the bridged multicast VPN? I found this article on these boards. My setup is going to be as follows: Site "A" is on a 192.168 range. Site "B" is on a 10.0 range. Ethernet LAN port 1 on Site "B" needs…
  • Thanks, @Zyxel_Jeff! I have read up quite a bit on the Flex 100W and think that is the ideal choice given my needs. Are any subscriptions required to utilize the VPN protocols?
  • Thank you for explaining. The tunnel will be permanent. So basically one subnet at location “b” will be local and I’d create a separate subnet for devices requiring the VPN to location A?
  • Hi @Zyxel_Jeff Thank you for sharing these links! Bookmarking this thread for reference. Unfortunately the manufacturer/service provider has not made these specs public, ideally to avoid what I’m trying to set up, so I'm reluctant to share the specific Service/models publicly. So far through trial and error I’ve narrowed…
  • Hi PeterUK. That’s great news. As for the first part you’re unsure about, I found the following link that put the Zyxel product line on my radar: cheers
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