tolyaasch  Freshman Member


  • @Mijzelf thank you for your quick answer! Everything sounds good but I dont understand what you mean :) 1) install own rsync - how ? i looked for app in AppCenter but there is no Rsync 2) kill zysync - via SSH? 3) after restart (power loss or other restart) zysync will come back again? Thank you.
  • It seems I have a similar problem than you. I have two of N540 and want to rsync from "primary" to "secondary" N540 but backup planner cannot see directory structure of the other N540 (backup planner/rsync/remote). I tried each direction (primary to secondary, secondary to primary). The devices are sat up in same ip range…
  • Today I had to try the factory reset but no luck :( After hitting "show target content" button I can see only volume names but no entries inside these volumes ...
  • Dear @Mijzelf and @Ijnrsi Thank you! After about 3 hours of gugling of "how to use putty" "dos commands in linux" and "how to edit file in linux" or "how to use vi" i finished it :dizzy: and WORKING!!! I think, this feature can be in UI to help BFUs like me to easily swap disks between NASes. Thank you all and have a nice…
  • After reboot:
  • @Mijzelf It sounds good! And is there any way to do something with my second problem? If I want to swap HDD from one NAS540 to another NAS540 without deleting data? To understand my situation: on the end of the year I want to put all data to "secondary" NAS540 which called "BACKUP" by putting HDD with my all year data on…
  • @Mijzelf I have 4 disk / 4 volumes shared to smb/cifs in one of NAS and 3 disks / 6 volumes shared on secondary NAS. If I´ll do a factory rst what to do with these shares? NAS will not forget them? Because there is no way to import disks and shares to NAS. I tried it to swap one disk from one NAS540 to another NAS540 and I…