Peter2  Ally Member


  • DHCP is activated with option DNS proxy ? I myself always define a limited number of IP adresses for DHCP and give the static ones outside of this segment .
    Раздел: DX3301-T0 Becomes Unreachable Over LAN Комментарий от Peter2 08:40
  • Have you activated the logs for DHCP , System and PPPoE in the maintenance log setting menu ?
    Раздел: DX3301-T0 Becomes Unreachable Over LAN Комментарий от Peter2 20 янв
  • What is the value of the DHCP lease time ? It should be 1 day at least .
    Раздел: DX3301-T0 Becomes Unreachable Over LAN Комментарий от Peter2 20 янв
  • In the wireless section there is a maximum of 32 clients , so may be you cannot give more names ? You can export your config files and search there for "HostName" and you see all your given device names bind to MAC adress . The Problem is that there can be old Names of devices you dont have anymore you can delete old or…
  • Once i had a lot of Ping floods from Wan and tried to do something . I made a ACL Rule in the firewall section to block ICMP pings or limit Answers per Minute for service "ICMP:8 /Echo-request" … You can reject or drop (no Answer) the ping .
    Раздел: Help Interpreting Log Message Комментарий от Peter2 15 янв
  • The destination is from Member in a cgnat not reachable from Wan . The source is local . Can it be located , may you could see it in the logs or in the information menu . Is there an Infection ? May be possible to control Wlan Members and bind them to MAC Adresses .
    Раздел: Help Interpreting Log Message Комментарий от Peter2 14 янв
  • First you have to login as admin not as a user . But i think you have a special "branded" firmware from your ISP and so you have not all options . It is better for the ISP for always correct configuration . If the Router is in property of your ISP you dont have the right to force the Installation of the regular firmware .
  • You can try to deactivate the firmwarecheck via ssh using tool putty for example . If it is changed you can update the other version in the web gui . Here is a link :
    Раздел: Flash standard firmware on to AX7501 Комментарий от Peter2 декабря 2024
  • You should give the zycel a IP adress of the fritzbox net may be easier to do with DHCP broadband / WAN Routing IP OE Adresses and DNS automatic connect via WAN Port
    Раздел: DX3301-T0 - WLAN AP only Комментарий от Peter2 декабря 2024
  • But which device is in front ? A modem or a Router sucessfully connected to the Internet ?
    Раздел: DX3301-T0 - WLAN AP only Комментарий от Peter2 декабря 2024
  • There is always a risk of sip Port errors when you use VoIP twice and parallel with a device behind a Router . The best way with Fritz box is to make the sip login for all Numbers with the fritzbox in front and these special ones define as Lan IP telephones . Then you connect with the extern device to the fritzbox like to…
  • Ok, this is not nice for the german users with german version . But it is no Problem to use the "C" Version with german Telekom based VDSL . Look into the specs of VDSL Vectoring - it includes both Annex A and Annex B tables ! I use it in germany like this . It could only be a Problem with classical DSL, but it is possible…
    Раздел: FIRMWARE NEEDED Комментарий от Peter2 декабря 2024
  • If the separation with interface grouping is not enough for you and and Vlan only works if the devices are configured for Vlan too you can you use a managed switch that separates Vlan segments for your Net physically over the Lan ports like a Netgear GS305E Managed Switch . I dont think that you really get 10 Gbit behind…
    Раздел: Isolate server from home devices on AX7501-B Комментарий от Peter2 ноября 2024
  • I use this site because the regular support site has a kind of bug and does not list the firmware only other things . A small difference between "DX3301-T0" vs. "dx3301-t0" makes it out … There is a new firmware from Nov 29 5.50(ABVY.5.4)C0 and i just…
    Раздел: EX3300-T0 firmware update Комментарий от Peter2 ноября 2024
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