eddeig  Freshman Member


  • By the way… Your datasheet is STILL misleading! See for yourself: https://download.zyxel.com/XGS1930-28HP/datasheet/XGS1930-28HP_6.pdf It says "Management through Telnet" - you should mention that you do not have full CLI management via Telnet! Regards, Eddeig
  • Hello, Since we have no full CLI on XGS1930, is there some way to speed up setting up "Time Ranges"? So far I have to set each port separate which takes a lot of tome if you have to configure multiple ports. Kind regards, Eddeig
  • Hello, I still have a XGS1930 in use. What would you suggest, if I want a new switch with about the same capabilities as the old XGS1930, but WITH full CLI capability? Regards, Eddeig
  • So, since it is almost the end of 2019, how can I install an certificate on an XGS2210-28HP?