Matthew  Freshman Member

Bình luận

  • I too would like to see this feature added back in. I use this feature regularly as not all traffic needs to be inspected (especially if there is limited inspection bandwidth to go around) and some traffic needs to be alerted on/logged differently. If I have Flex routers at both ends of a VPN connection, I either don't…
  • The H series is VERY half finished and the firmware update cadence is very delayed so I wouldn't upgrade any existing devices to it for another 6-8 months at a minimum. If you have do anything more that a simple single subnet LAN, you will probably be losing many features. Bandwidth management, VPN, DHCP options, WAP…
    trong FLEX H Series Bình luận của Matthew Tháng 2 9
  • It's probably not available yet. The H series appears feature incomplete. I'm also waiting on them to add wireless controller capability before I start using them for my customers. In the firmware release notes, they have a list of missing features.
  • @Zyxel_Joslyn Yeah I figured that part out. But how do I get the AD Server to only authenticate against members of a specific AD group? Best I can tell, the AD Server will authenticate ANY domain user. I can set a specific AD group for the External Group User (like Richard said) but I'm not sure how to tell the WiFi to use…
  • FWIW I've used Zyxel for a few years now (I'm a startup MSP) and their support keeps me coming back. Nearly every time I've called their tech support, I'm on the line within 5 minutes with an American English speaking tech who knows what he's doing. They don't run me in circles just to follow their programmed script; they…
  • I don't think you can access the config in console mode without logging in. For the OP did you ever save backups of the config file on the Zywall? When you factory reset, it replaces the startup config file but I believe it keeps any copied config files you've saved internally on the device. Under this scenario, you could…
  • You could always use a policy route to route any SIP traffic from internal subnets to the WAN2 interface. NAT is intended for Port Translation (Layer 4) and routing to a single IP. It's not really meant to route IP/Layer 3 traffic to specific Interfaces. Did you setup a dedicated subnet for your VOIP traffic?
    trong VOIP With ZyWall Bình luận của Matthew Tháng 10 2017
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