How to switch the bandwidth to 160MHz on USG LITE 60AX?
How to switch the bandwidth to 160MHz on USG LITE 60AX? The USG LITE 60AX supports 160MHz channels for ultra-fast speeds. Smart Mesh technology extends coverage by enabling Nebula APs to form a mesh network without extensive cabling. 1.Enable the 160MHz at Configure > Security Router > Radio Settings. Scroll down to the…
Does the SCR 50AXE have a software WPS function?
The SCR 50AXE device only includes a hardware WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) button and does not support the WPS function through software. If you need to enable or disable WPS on your SCR 50AXE, you will need to use the physical hardware button on the device. We highly recommend referring to the user manual for detailed…
[ATP/FLEX]How to Give Read-Only Access to SecuReporter when device on-cloud
Q: Can a customer have read-only access to Secureporter without being a full admin on Nebula? A: The permissions between Nebula and SecurReporter are linked, meaning that if you set a user as read-only in Nebula, it will apply to Secureporter as well. If you need to proceed with this configuration, set the user's privilege…
[ATP/FLEX]How to limit clients to connect an open wifi on a Nebula firewall by the mac address?
Question: How to limit clients to connect an open wifi on a Nebula firewall by the mac address? Answer: On cloud fireawll does not support MAC Auth currently. Please use on-premise as alternative
What command matches the total sessions displayed on Nebula?
Question: What command matches the total sessions displayed on Nebula? Answer: The total active sessions displayed in Nebula should match the output of the "show conn status" command in the CLI. You can use this CLI command to verify the total sessions seen in Nebula. To monitor forwarding sessions or filter sessions by IP…
[ATP/FLEX] How to get SecuReporter daily report?
Question: How to get SecuReporter daily report? Answer: On Nebula, go to Monitor > Firewall > SecuReporter. On SecuReporter, go to History > Report. In Report Settings, click "Setting" of Daily Report. In Daily Report Settings, open "Email" and select "Yes" to receive daily report.
How to get the firewall location from web browser?
The initial firewall address was judged by your ISP. You can change the device location by get the AP location from web browser. Going to Device > Firewalls > Choose firewall Click Position device > Choose Get my location from web browser > Click Update Click Edit icon Type Address > Click Save The "Move map marker" box…
Where should I send the RMA request when there is the faulty device?
In some rare situations, such as a power surge or other reasons causing the device not to power up, you might need to go through the RMA process. Please use the following information for further assistance. https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000009533 Note: If you have a device that shows…
How do I know if the Ethernet cable is connected to WAN or LAN?
The port with the global icon means the WAN, and the other port are LAN. Note: The LAN ports on the SCR 50AXE model cannot be configured as WAN ports.
Why the Security Router performance is reduce after enable enabling Application identification?
Why the performance is reduced after enabling Application identification? Please note: The enabling Application identification may reduce maximum throughput speeds.
Why wired client are not shown in the client page?
If you are not able to see the client in the client page, please check the steps below: 1. Please make sure the wired device is connected to the device physical port and the SCR 50AXE device is powered on. 2.Verify that the wired device is receiving an IP address from the SCR 50AXE DHCP server. You can check this on the…
Why connected client is not shown in the Nebula topology?
Go to Site-wide > Topology The "Show all clients" function is not enabled by default settings. You can enable it by going to "Display options" in the upper right corner of the topology page and selecting "Show all clients".
Is there a way to check the most used application?
Yes, to check the most used application for both wired and wireless clients, your site needs to have ATP/USG FLEX and a GSP license. To view usage: Navigate to Applications Usage > Application View by Security Appliance. You'll see a list of all applications along with their usage. For example, you might find that Window…
Can I schedule reboot of my scr 50axe in nebula control center?
The SCR 50AXE model does not support scheduled reboot. If you would like to reboot the SCR 50AXE manaully. You can go to Site-wide > Monitor > Devices > Security router > Click reboot the device on the Nebula Note: It is not possible to reboot the device when SCR shows disconnected from Nebula
Do I need to register the SCR 50AXE with MAC and serial number?
To set up the SCR 50AXE on Nebula, you'll need to register for a Nebula account. Please follow the guide in the video below to complete the registration: Once completed, follow the steps in the video below to register the SCR 50AXE on Nebula: To set up the SCR 50AXE using the Nebula APP, simply scan the QR code within the…
New Security Appliance License: Elite Pack
New Security Appliance License: Elite Pack Zyxel Networks is introducing changes to our security appliance licenses to better align with our evolving product offerings. The USG FLEX and ATP series will now come with the Gold Security Pack, and our security routers will feature the new Elite Pack license. Here’s everything…
[ATP/FLEX] How to clear content filter cache on Firewall
Scenario: Firewalls cache the categories of website queried by content filters to speed up the inspection processes. However, there are occasions when categories are updated, yet the Firewall retains cached data. In such cases, manual clearing of the content filter cache is necessary. Workaround: Log in Firewall by SSH and…
How to check which client hit the threat?
Navigate to Side-wide > Monitor > Threat report Click the Threats detected by category and click the Category in the column Click the Domain name And you can check which clients hit the threat category
Where is the option to enable 802.11k/v for SSID on Nebula for USG LITE60AX?
Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > SSID advanced settings Go to Advance settings > Assisted roaming > Enable 802.1k/v
How could I modify the Nebula VPN encrytion and algorithm?
The Nebula VPN encrytion and algorithm is not able to be configured. The Nebula VPN will auto connect when the option is enabled. You can follow below steps to find out the Nebula VPN option. 1. Navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Site-to-Site VPN 2. Turn on the option: Nebula VPN enable. Select the…