Port 80 foward
Hello, i have some ports to open but the 80 give me a problem. I have set the foward, i change the default port on system→www→http but the ports not work, Some helps? Thanks
Info problem with sending logs to zyxel vpn100 email
Good morning, I have a Zyxel VPN 100 firewall product and since this morning I have no longer received the email containing the various logs. How can I solve it? The configurations are all correct and no firmware update has been done. I await feedback. Thank you, Greetings
Gateway between 2 networks
As a beginner in network configuration, I would like to isolate one or two machines (Linux/Windows) from my production network. To do this, I connect them to my USG60 on the DMZ network (port 5, My production machines are on port 3 (, The idea would be to create a…
Vpn wit 2 local lan
Hello I have a VPN between 2 zyxel VPN100 and works fine. The local lan is for the on and for the other Now i have another lan with for the first and for the oter on other port of firewalls. How can i set up a vpn also between? It's possible? Thanks
USG FLEX 50 Content Filtering not working with chrome browser
as title, we've configured the USG for content filtering (office profile, eg) The filter work well with Firefox, and Edge, but chrome seems bypass filter. we also added (highest priority) a rule for block UDP_443 (QUIC) outgoing traffic, but nothing changed. what we wrong?
VPN : remote access to 2 sites
Hello, I have a company who has 2 sites. I want create a mobile VPN (i already have) who can connect these 2 sites with only one configuration with VPN include in Windows (i don't want use secuextender). Do you have a solution ? Site 1 and Site 2 are linked with vpn ipsec site-to-site I tried to connect laptop to Site1…
"Full tunnel mode" missing from SSL VPN
Device is USG20W-VPN (now rebranded as USG Flex 50W), started with a ZLD 4.x firmware. Now has latest available firmware, 5.37. Is working nice as L2TP gateway. Tried to deploy SSL VPN with client. I cannot connect; something is missing, IMVHO. On this PDF, provided as walkthrougth from the firmware seems that I…
ATP500 Log Settings
For a temporary period of time, I am interested in monitoring who's logged in, and what changes they may have performed. I had to disable a lot in the log settings as the log fills up in a matter of 2-3 minutes due to the constant hack attempts from all over the globe. As you can see below, I have everything in the…
Why is there no LACP support for LAN ports.
Why is there no LACP support on LAN ports on new updated USG FLEX H series? Makes no sense of having two 2.5 Gbps WAN ports with Trunking capability, but no LACP on LAN ports, to actually make a full use of multi-Gbps capability from end to end.
which Zyxel firewall can i used for hotel apartment?
please suggest me the zyxel device firewall for hotel apartments which is having more then 144 rooms and it can go 500+ users and which can handle high usage and traffic.
Lan to L2TP Ping
Hello, Clients on local Lan with /16 subnet ( are not routed to the gateway (zyxell usg) and they don't see the l2tp client If i swap the local client to /24 ( the local clien si routed and ping is working any suggestion?
Usg 100 flex - VPN L2TP for iPhone
Dear Sirs, I've set up an L2TP IPsec VPN connection to access a server from my iPhone. I've implemented two-step authentication for VPN connectivity, meaning that upon activating the VPN on my iPhone, I receive an email containing the link to authorize access. However, I've encountered an issue where activating the VPN on…
Active Session issue in USG5100
In USG5100 gateway i am facing active session full issue everytime i need to restart the device due to active session full(80000). please let me know how to reduce active session where can i configure sessions limit. or suggest me a device
i am using USG2200-VPN i am facing issue of internet drop
some time i am facing issue of no internet connection on my wifi then i need restart the device USG2200, after restart my internet started to work again. help me to resolve the issue
Resolving LAN hostnames when connected to VPN
Has anyone figured out how to be able to get the internal LAN hostnames to resolve when connected to the IPSec VPN? Running a Zyxel USG40. I have a domain controller on site that handles DHCP and DNS with local IP, so I tell the Zywall VPN client that is my DNS server. But I still can't ping the computers on…
Error code list for USG?
Trying to update the firmware (using update feature from cloud) on an old USG40 (currently running 4.62) i get Connection error, code: 882 Where i can find the meaning of this code?
USG20 want to upgrade firmware to latest
I have a USG 20 in use that I need to upgrade, if possible. Is this still supported or is it out of the question to upgrade to a current firmware? Let me know what other info is needed. Model : ZyWALL USG 20 Current firmware : 3.30(BDQ.9)
What is system default admin password?
I reset USG to system default, what is admin password ?
Policy Routing for IPPBX Server
When the internet connection is restored after an outage, sometimes the IPPBX system may not function properly. It is necessary to restart Policy no. 1 for the system to operate normally again. IPPBX UCM6302 : SIP Server :
SSO Agent replacement
"The SSO Agent has been Phased out!" What is the best way to replace it with single sign on with active directory ? Thanks for your help.