Please Joslyn,SSL VPN doesn't work,could you connect to our system with AnyDesc to verify our configuration?
These are settings. But how can i check if all VPN users are in the country ? I don't know how "add all of the user's country in the source address."
Then, whit previous firmware SSL VPN works well. I've upgraded to new firmware 5.01. In "Security check for web interface" popup i've set VPN port 18443 and in Configuration-> VPN -> SSL VPN -> Global Setting compare "SSL VPN Server Port" : 18443 From Quick Setup i've set "Remote Access VPN" allowing all users. In…
Sorry but i cannot view popup "Security check for web interface". I only saw it the first time. How can i reopen ?
Now vpn works well. I had to restart ZyWall and now there aren't problems.