@Zyxel_Lucious Thanks for that however if that's the case please can you try to explain why the problem doesn't occur on the 52f variant of this switch line-up when we're using the exact same optics with it. Surely if we was buying unsupported transceivers then we should see issues across the xgs4600 range. Thanks Matthew
Hi @Zyxel_Lucious We've been collecting some data since the last post to try and correlate the faults to some sort of pattern. What we're seeing is that the xgs4600-32f has issues but not the 52f... We have approximately 100 32f switches deployed and we're seeing the optic dropping issue almost daily. The data we have…
Hi @Zyxel_Lucious, I would like to follow this thread up. We have deployed a pre release firmware to some of our stacks which mitigates a high CPU bug but regrettably the optic issue still persists and If anything its gotten worse. Could you please advise on the best plan of action. We're still having to manually visit…