I'm sorry the issue has been resolved we have moved to a new platform, like I said last week if the issue was not resolved before the end of week we would move on to another vendor. Which we did. And the performance is on par with specs unlike the Zyxel product.
Hello Cooldia, config sent! BTW we reset-default twice the unit with blank config twice just to be sure tested Easy/Expert configs too.
With everything off. 171mb/s 9ms closest hop
Thanks Christian!!! Ok I disabled everything and even more on this device even narrowed everything to one subnet de-activated everything, turned the damn thing into a router lol Turned off the logs, the services, tested with DMZ also, nothing can go fater than 170-180mb/s, unless Zyxel support answer this forum before the…
Thanks, I'm still 25-30mb/s short of that, what would be the right appliance then, do they have a model that would be able to offer 250-300mb/s with some services? Seems like I'm going to have to return this box now :(
With everything on I get 85mb/s, with everything off and double checked in CLI using Eduardo's suggested commands I get 180mb/s at the most, still short of 260mb/s which I get with a 2811, workstation or a cheapo Asus router.Is there anything I can do other than returning the device?
Is there an upgrade path, do we need to purchase another model?
Please any input on how to configure your device to reach at least 200mb+ would be appreciated, we purchased the equipment and according to your website it states up to 400mbps without any services.
I have the exact same problem on a 260mb connection, tested directly connected workstation, then with a Cisco 2811 and a Asus RT-88AC I would get 260mb, but with the USG-40 I get barely 85mb with services on, and with the services desabled I get 150mb...