Ceefive  Freshman Member


  • Thanks and sorry for late reply. Travelling now - when I get home I will go into the RMA procedure
  • Have had Wifi routers from Linksys, Nokia, Asus - and because of change of serviceprovider I desided to go for Zyxel Multy in a wifi6 setup. And Yes I purchased 6 units for my 2 sites at a good price. Seems to be a big mistake. I'm dissapointed if it is true Zyxel will not provide fixes to problems.
  • So clients connected to the router may not show up in the list. Big surprise that Zyxel has not scheduled a fix ? Have made a setup of 3 Multys in Mesh at home and summerhouse - 6 units in total - and i'm conserned if Zyxel was the right choise for that.
  • Have done reboot and setup channels 6 and 36 No guest Wifi Main Multy functioned well before starting sattelite. Wireless and wired clients connected again. My laptop has dropped out again once. Why dont I see any messages in the router System Log ? How do I see wich Satellite my units are connected to ?
  • Multy M1 - Firmware V1.00(ABZF.6)C0 Have tried another laptop on the same cable - and it shows in the list. Only this 2nd laptop have the issue now.
  • Hello Zyxel, My setup in question is: 2 Multy M1 units configured in a Mesh (a Router and a Satellite) – connected with a cable. They are in the attic right above my office/living room. They are about 5 meters apart. In a remote part of the house I did have a 3rd Multy-M1 connected over Wifi – but this is turned off for…