I have the replacement drive, if you can provide the needed software I can try to do the recovery. Thanks,
The NAS has a disk in the 2nd slot that I can replace with a new drive. I would like to save the date if possible.
Sorry, Posted the wrong file: See below:
Here is the output from dmesg: Thanks,
I have some additional info: The dir I-data it had a link pointing to sysvol -> /etc/zyxel/storage/sysvol followed to /etc/zyxel/storage with sysvol pointing to sysvol -> /I-data/07660431 followed to /I-data/07660431 In /07660431 when ls -l listed all the sub directories when cd /photo then ls -l received listing…
Hi, I enabled telnet and did not find any unexpected s-link - I have never tried to manage the system by using telnet/ssh on used the web interface. NAS still not showing any files on the device.
I have not tried this answer - Telnet service has not be enabled on the NAS & I was not sure if the change to enable (because of the write to the disk) would cause an additional problem. If enabling Telnet would not cause any additional issues I will try.