I don't have time to wait that this gets fixed, already switched to an AP from an other brand.
Using scheduled restart does not help, as situation has gone from bad to worse in my case; now in the worst case connection stays up only 2 hours and presently I have to restart FWA505 3-4 times per day. And this after I managed to improve signal strength to -90 by switching back to internal antenna (external antennas have…
I have following with external antenna: Access Technology NR5G-NSA Signal Strength -99 And the switch was already set to NR5G-NSA/4G(Auto Switch)
Hi They were, I cross-checked what FWA505 reported with what was given for the operator in In my case bands were B3 and n78.
I have had exactly the same issue since I bought FWA505 in July, 5G gets drops and fixing channels does not help. I guess I have to return the AP and get a new one from another brand instead if this does not get fixed, no point using this one only with 4G.