Oh, and the message about file system inconsistency and running FSCK is gone now. Along the way, I updated to the latest firmware (Nov 16 just came out) and I followed your instructions for atkz and atgo twice, because the first time I failed to capture the log. So, I'm not sure what resolved the issue, but it appears to…
Here is the log from rebooting with the commands given. I've scrubbed potentially sensitive stuff from the log (user names, IP addresses, passwords, some address object definitions) <file downloaded by Melen and removed for privacy reason>
What will those commands do? Do they make any changes to the firewall, or are they purely diagnostic?
First, note that the error I am seeing during boot up is not the same error that is mentioned in the FAQ you referenced and also my device does boot up despite the error. But, beyond that, the instructions tell me to FTP some *.db file to the router - where does that file come from?
Attached is the output showing the reboot command and what followed. We've had some intermittent trouble with traffic not going in or out through the WAN. I am not sure the problem lies with the Zyxel, but I noticed this message about the file system inconsistency while rebooting and wanted to look into it.