Hi PeperUK When upgrading the equipment, do I lose all current settings? I ask: the equipment is about 150 kilometers from where I am, I manage the equipment remotely, through the public IP. I want to be sure that I don't lose management when restarting? if you share me the steaps for to upgrade I would appreciate regards,…
What I found is that there are several attempts to connect to the firewall through the public IP. I am new to ZYXEL, I ask: could the equipment enter protection mode when receiving several failed connections and block the management of the equipment? local navigation everything is fine. Only again I don't have access to…
Hi than´ks for you answer. reboot the device and let enter. but after to restart i don´t see logs for investigate what happen. thank you very much regards, Samm
this is my configuration. it will be OK😥
Hi, thank you for you answer. I made the configuration, but the error is the same. maybe be something a security on email security setup? should be easy to configuration, but I do not what can be. I already tried with different tls options and nothing does Firmware: V5.35(ABAR.0) / 2022-12-27 21:03:06