ZYXXXXEL  Freshman Member


  • Problem solved ! Windows Fu%"#ing firewall :s Can´t understand why it´s blocking now after switching to the Zyxel 
  • Local, from my client to another client or server 
  • RDP is just at our segment 192.168.3.x So its in the same LAN I did a Scan with an IP-Scanner app at the server IP adress and the ports 80. 3389, 1433 ( think theese at default ports for RDP and SQL ) and only 80 is open, our server Also have IIS webserver for our local intranet and it works 
  • It used to work with our old D-link, the setting are ok att all machines i got this Zyxel in my knee when the other broke down, ready installed for our business. it also have VPN connection to our other site, everything works but not RDP and SQL in our LAN1 (192.168.3.xxx) other site (192.168.1.xxx) must be something that…
  • Very strange, both server and clients are on LAN1 also noticed that software on clients that use SQL on server doesn´t work 