amateur_netops  Freshman Member


  • Hi Kay, I only tried it on the site I am at - but it did not make a difference from here. I still think it has to do with some security setting or service. I am currently in 192.168.100.X - the network behind the FlexH is 192.168.111.X - with the device being 111.1 Ping from 100.x to any device in 111.x works RDP to 111.8…
  • I have no static routes nor active policy routes on the 100H - I do have a whole bunch of policy routes on all of the old 110s. But since I didn't touch those (and they all make sense to me) I don't expect the issue there.
  • First of all - thank you for responding. I do not have a NAT rule with external IP set to any(thing) - and my apologies if this something obvious I should understand - but what would that do? I assume we are talking about the 100H - it has no configured NAT rules