dukisha016  Freshman Member


  • Hi all, @Zyxel_Melen, @goefra_001, @p_e_g_o The solution to this problem is to manually update firmware to latest version. In my case the firmware update was performed by @Zyxel_Jerry (thank you so much) using Telnet. You will most likely be forced to get in touch with Zyxel support and set up a meeting in order to receive…
  • Nebula is down. At least for us in Sweden
  • Hi! I created a ticket so the issue is resolved. What one needs to do is following: 1) Choose ZTP. 2) In the link you receive(on step 6) one alters the link so that it points to the gateway. 3) Go through the activation process
  • Hi! What speeds are you getting when measuring speeds? On V6.29(ABYW.3) I am getting about 400ish up and down. What are your results before and after?
  • @saltet You can read more on the WLAN control setting here https://support.zyxel.eu/hc/en-us/articles/12938721415186-Nebula-AP-Best-Practice-Optimizing-2-4GHz-5GHz-Wireless-Network#:~:text=SSID%20advanced%20settings-,WLAN%20Rate%20Control%20Setting,due%20to%20the%20low%20speed.
  • Hi @Zyxel_Kay A solution could be to create a unique SSID specifically for your TV And how many SSIDs would I have to create in that case? Lets count: 1SSID for 2.4GHz devices, 1SSID for 5GHz devices(across all access points on site) and 2 additional SSIDs for TVs on site per access point(some TVs do not support 5GHz),…
  • Hi @Zyxel_Nami I am enclosing some screenshots showing the current settings. Is there anything that needs altering? And thank you for sharing the testing results regarding the NWA50AX performance. I will alter Increase your WLAN rate control for 2.4GHz to 5.5Mbps, while 5Ghz to 12Mbps later today.
  • Hi @Zyxel_Nami Regarding 1200Mbps, did you mean the Link in the Status section as below screenshot? This is the link speed(TTx and Rx rate) between the accespoint and the associated stations. Information regarding the link speed is found at Site Wide>Devices> Access Point><My Access Point> in the associated stations…
  • Hi! Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately this is not going to work. Why am I asking for this feature? Well i went on a site installed 3st NWA50AXs and what happened. Some clients connected to the access points that were further away(ex. TV above the accesspoint went bananas and connected to the accesspoint in the…
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