1.20 installed : THANK YOU for the functionality
LOL😂, silly me I thought hitting check now for firmware update is the way to …..check now for new firmware availability…I'M JUST KIDDING…. The best of it all wanting to go the "CLI way" (THANKS @ticsystems ). I just pressed check now for fun and…………..the new firmware message showed up for the running partition. Anyway…
Already did that… : "Switched POE to enable in the port menu … NOTHING." No POE so hardware failure ?
No need to evaluate please FIX the feature then. I'm talking for RESERVED ip's. currently the firewall attributes automatically the name : so either it discovers these also right or if not possible give a way to edit the automatically displayed name
Oh it works but it's a switch feature usually. It's actually noting else that defining a port as access VLAN. (opposed to trunk VLAN). The 500h assumes that as soon as a vlan is tied to a port it is a trunk port. I was just saying that it would be a cool feature if the standard behaviour for a port with a single(!) vlan…
Hi Kevin, Thanks for your answer Module number ?? where would i find this ?? Firmware : latest V1.10(ABZH.1). In the meantime I have reset the Firewall and tried on the green field. Neither P1 nor P2 can be used in an interface with any other port. P3 and P4 can. And all the others can as well
I don't know. Looking at the default table : It might give a hint. It would appear that whilst advertized as freely configurable I'm wondering if regarding P1-P4 the "assumed" use case is P1, P2 = WAN's and P3 to P12 whatever. As a result any interface on P1 or P2 cannot be expanded to other physical ports. As P1 to P4 are…
Peter, Perfect !! THANKS A LOT.