Sorry no, I gave up with one Chromecast on the "guest" network and the other on the "staff" network
Hi, I did not have more success with your last example. It's functional, but only for one user I'm going to try to have support from Zyxel
Hi lalaland & pohofiwo, Tx for your answers, I've made some tests this morning but I could not be able to setup a connection with "transport" mode both side Note : * This Zyxel doc about client-to-site configuration tells us to setup tunnel mode :…
FYI Thanks to Tobias for the bottom answer here :
Hi @Zyxel_Cooldia, thanks for your answer, I meet the problems connected from my home's ADSL. Today I'm at the office, with the same laptop, so to answer your question, I try to reproduce the problem with theses steps : - disconnect laptop from the office's LAN - connect it to Internet through a 4G connection (with my…