It's not. At least not directly. An attacker has to hack other routers before reaching that one, and, in that case, said attacker hacking that one would be the least problem. Thanks for the heads up, but at least here in Italy that resembles a sci-fi by a screenplay writer used to get high during work hours... believe me,…
You're right, the latest it's a 2011 release, but even then it's 2 years younger than the 2009 release I have. Fact is, it is already in production since then, I'm only supposed to take over its maintenance. It's actually doing its job, no reason to replace it (except maybe security wise, but it's only running a small LAN…
I'm afraid I have not the latest, because I have a release from year 2009 and, from a google search, it looks like there exists at least a release from year 2014