nevermind figured it out so step 1 plug in ethernet step 2 power on step 3 change the ipaddress for the nas 326 to 192 .168.0.1 step 4 type into address bar step 5 tpe in admin and 1234 for pass step 6 new password step 7 well you get the flow thanks @ Ijnrsi for triggering my dam brain.
nevermind figured it out so step 1 plug in ethernet step 2 power on step 3 change the ip address for the nas 326 to 192 .168.0.1 step 4 type into address bar step 5 type in admin and 1234 for pass step 6 new password step 7 well you get the flow thanks @ Ijnrsi you got my gears turning
using the instructions provided the website cannot access anything. i plug in ethernet to router plug power on push power even tho its already on go to website select nas and push copy button when told to and nothing happens. the ip on my network is