

  • PeterUK, I have just one word for you: GREAT !! Your solution is perfect for me. Thanks a lot for the support. Best Regards. Ciao !
  • Hi PeterUK, what you suggest is not clear to me. try xplain better my problem. I have two site: Site A (USG110) connected to internet with a double NAT, with a public IP used by external user to access a internal sever using NAT and all is working fine. SIte B (USG200) connected to internet and to Site A with a IPSec VPN I…
  • Sorry, I wasn't clear…. I need to permit to a generic Internet users (I don't know this users Public IP) to access a specific port on a server in the site two behind the USG200 connected via IPSec VPN to the USG110 in the site one . The generic Internet user haven't any VPN client and can access only the site one Public…
  • what changes if i have a usg200 instead of the SBG ?
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