Deleteable directories in ABC not empty. Changed permissions as suggeseted and great, that worked. Thank you so much.
Thanks for the quick response. Can you recommend the best way to edit permissions please? the folder structure is: NFS\ABC\DEF\GHI\file.jpg I can delete other folders from folder ABC but cannot delete folder DEF or the file.jpg I cannot change the permissions, in Windows 10 file explorer, of folder DEF or GHI. Error:…
Fnally got my new 5A PSU and we're working again! ;o) Thanks Mijzelf!
Thanks again. I'll source one and try.
Thank you ;o)
Do you happen to know what Amps the supply needs to be rated at, in case it is not the original I have?
OK, many thanks. I will try to check HDD in a caddy and also look at replacing power supply ;o)