techvana  Freshman Member


  • Hi. I realize that is the download speed without PPPoE. Have you tested it on a PPPoE WAN connection?
  • TomorrowOcean said: What speeds are you getting on your speed test? Are you able to achieve around 900 Mbps when running PPPoE on the Zyxel? When I'm running my tests, I'm running the ONT (Internet) --- Zyxel C3000Z (Transparent bridging mode for VLAN 201 tagging) --- NSG200 --- Ethernet to PC. I'm seeing a very clear…
  • I'm testing using CenturyLink's speediest as well as others. I get 900+ Mbps up and down when use their Zyxel C3000Z modem. As soon as I use it in transparent bridging mode (to tag VLAN 201), performance drops to about 450 Mbps. It is consistent and reproducible. Is there a way to configure the MTU on the NSG?
  • Thanks for the response. NSS is completely disabled. Can you reproduce it on your side? Should I open a support ticket?