for new software version, please chek with your ISP for more information. they usually have latest fw with them.
if without TP link setup, you are able to get internet, then probably need to check TP link Mesh setup. usually, there is mode you can choose to connect behind as what you want for your network to be set up with. check each of mode description and see whcih mode suit your network.
you can go to network setting and select on wireless. then, you will see Guest/More AP, which you can disable it.Раздел: DX3301-T0 EasyMesh/MPro Additional AP SSID status not syncing Комментарий от bahecz44120 4 фев
usually, most users do not need access for root. check with your ISP about acquiring password.
check with your ISP for latest softwrae version and how to update it onto your router.
for factory reset, please press reset button for 6-10 seconds. once it is bootup, please re-connect DSL line and see if internet is back online. if there is still issue, check with ISP about it.Раздел: Using Plain White Background Screen to Identify Zyxel VMG8825 Indicator Light Issues Комментарий от bahecz44120 4 фев
check with the seller where you purchase this router from for this case.
check wtih the device where you get from and see if they have othere way to help you for software upgrade. usually, this option will not show to user as the one of security reason.
Have you check wtih your ISP yet? sometimes, it might have its own password on the device rather than what it is on the label.
check with your ISP about the account and accessibility.
set your laptop or pc with static IP to same subnet as and you can access to GUI under bridge mode.
please check with your ISP for password.Раздел: After flashing the firmware on the EX5501, the password is incorrect. Комментарий от bahecz44120 4 фев
check with the retailer about it and see if there is software version to update or newer version for your home router.
the software version might have limited its accessibility. propbaly need to check from your seller to see what is its orignal ISP and what are the settings.Раздел: ZyXEL VMG1312-B10A Missing Broadband Option and White colour background Screen Issue Комментарий от bahecz44120 4 фев
for checking, on the PC on LAN 4, make sure that all the IP addresses records are clear and gets an new IP address from LAN 4 then do ping check. if the ping still goes through, I would suggest to check with service provider to see if there is newer software version and fix for this case.