Thx, this explains the behavior.Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 14 дек
from zyxel1 cmd ping source is successful. I have also did packet trace for: cmd ping in this case src is IP address of WAN interface. How to configure security policy that also this packet will go into ipsec vpn?Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 3 дек
Hi, will try to describe the issue better: configuration (IPsec VPN created using wizzard) What is working, where is issue: a) from Server1: ping Server2 OK (over IPsec) b) from Server1: ping Zyxel2 (LANport OK (over IPsec) c) from Zyxel1: ping Server1 OK (local LAN) d) from Zycel1: ping Server 2 NOT-OK (from…Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 2 дек
Peter thank you.Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 1 дек
Site1: Site2: Sorry the screnshot few post above was from Site2.Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 1 дек
Hi Peter, not sure which routing rules? I do not have any rules under Routing| Policy Route:Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 1 дек
Add on both sites: no success. On Site1 this rulle then pick trafic instead of LAN_outgoing (LAN to any (exclude Sywall). However traffic from Zywall stil not flow. Note, that nothing could be found in Events/Log related to cmd ping from Zyxel.Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 1 дек
Site 1: Site2: VPN statusРаздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 1 дек
Hi, servers are on separate subnets: S1 on, S2 on Remote an local polica are as follows:Раздел: FLEX100H: Traffic from Zywall not go through Policy-based IPsec VPN Комментарий от szn 1 дек
Hi, it is working. it looks like syslog server was the issue. Thx
Configured to Normal for all sections on LAN network yes, other sources in LAN are working No.
Hi, I've checked show diagnostics cpu all and 40% utilisation on each core seems not to be normal. I've never seen this on any idle device. Is there something more to be checked?