Exchange the disks one by one with rebuild in between, and then grow the volume.
The ssh server is outdated, and the client by default considers it's encryption is inaccurate. You can tell him to shut up. ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@nas
By design, yes.
Did you enable the ssh server on the NAS? If yes, can you login over ssh?
(should it?!?) Yes, it should. It works for me. If you can't open it in your browser, the NAS cannot access it either. Could be a DNS issue. Duckdns is reasonable reliable, but it's uptime is not 100%.
/usr/bin/zysync is a clone of rsync, with some ZyXEL specific additions. (Alas I don't know which exactly). To use rsync here, the Fritz!box should be running an rsync daemon, which I don't think it does. You are talking about a share on the F!B, which is probably a samba share. In that case the most common commandline…
Well, that's clear: <3>end_request: I/O error, dev sdb, sector 19023104 There is an I/O error on sdb, around 10GB from the start. Which can happen, but this case is strange. The disk controller is expected to insert a spare sector for sector 19023104, and increment the Reallocated_Sector_Ct. The I/O error still happens…
Nothing has changed with my PC A new OS is categorized as nothing? I can say you nothing has changed with the NAS, so you should really look at the PC. the NAS CPU is pinned at 100%. I wonder if your new OS forces encrypted data transfer. Encryption is expensive, and it wouldn't surprise me if encrypting 17MB/sec maxes out…
Btw, the last bit of code you gave to remove the faulty directory did not give any feedback to indicate it worked. Maybe that is as it should be? Yes. 'Successfully removed X' is sort of superfluous, as that was to be expected. You get only feedback when something unexpected happens.
Ah right. /i-data/sysvol is a symlink which points to /etc/zyxel/storage/sysvol, which on his term points to /i-data/<somestring>. /etc/zyxel is the mountpoint of the config flash partition, and /etc/zyxel/storage/sysvol was created when the volume was created, and stored on flash. This way the box 'knows' which volume is…
find /i-data/ will give a full listing of all files in /i-data/, with their full path. That is way to much, so you can filter it on paths containing transmission (as string): find /i-data/ | grep -i transmission The -i makes the filter case independent. If that is still too much data, you could add a json filter: find…
If the volume is not the default one, the path to the file is not predictable, as the mountpoints of the volumes are random names (sysvol is not really a directory, but a symlink to the random name which contains volume 1). Yet it is easy to get a list of the random names: ls /i-data
Do you know how your volume(s) is arranged? (raid0, raid1, jbod)
You should have seen the contents of the file, but instead you see nothing. So either the file is empty, or it isn't there. Is it possible that you installed Transmission on another volume than default?