Zyxel_Support_CPE  Zyxel Employee


  • Hi Sir, NR5103E is customized version for service provider, the fw upgrade/change need contact to their support center (original ISP). It means we cannot provide any fw in this case, apologies for any inconvenience.
  • Hi Sid , Firstly check the current firmware on your LTE7460-M608 , if it uses the generic version V100ABFR then upgrade to the latest firmware 1.00(ABFR.4)C0 to see if solve the problem or not. You can get the latest firmware 1.00(ABFR.4)C0 from Zyxel global…
  • If service provider have support VoLTE also ask Zyxel support it in firmware. Then it may have their separate firmware support VoLTE for provider Telefonica O2. LTE3316-M604 not supports VoLTE for Telefonica O2 in Germany.
  • Hi Frustrated , VoLTE is a customized software feature for ISP customized firmware. The FW 1.00(ABKA.0)C0 is generic version not customized, so it's support Vo3G and support CSFB from LTE to 3G.
  • Hi Simon, P-660HW-T1 v3 was EOL on 2016 so it means we have no newer fw for this model. As the firmware you’re asking is a customized version for your service provider, please contact their customer support and they’ll be happy to help
  • Hi MarkoP , please follow below instructions to recover your device. 1)You can check cmd window on your PC to see if PC get IP 192.168.123.x and default gateway 2)Access to re-upgrade your firmware again. Please don't power off device and don't unplug Ethernet cable during firmware…
  • Hi jjer , please help follow below instructions to check your device.1)Does your LTE4506 use the latest FW 1.00(ABDO.4)C0?2)Check if your LTE4506 enable the Packet Data Limit Setting, then un-ticked data limit setting to see if improve the problem. 3)Once the problem happen again, check the Internet Status if LTE4506 get…
  • Hi jjer , let me explain again for "DHCP server -> Lease 1440 minutes" , the lease time(minutes) specify how long(in minutes) each computer can use the information(especially the IP address) before it has to request the information again.Could you please take a screen video for the problem that show us what the situation…
  • Hi Igor Kaufman , it's depending on the numbers and type of your terminal devices you would like connect to LTE7460 whether you need to connect a router(it's no restrictions on the brand of router) behind LTE7460 or not.Following for your reference:- If you only have one wired terminal device(like a PC) connect to LTE7460,…
  • Hi jjer , on LTE4506 homepage the "DHCP server -> Lease 1440 minutes" this is the the amount of time a network device(such as your PC) can use an IP Address from LTE4506. The IP Address is reserved for that device until the reservation expires. Could you please describe the symptom of the problem you met more specifically…
  • Hi FredD , when you switch LTE7460 to bridge mode and the NAT has disabled already. LTE7460 and DSL CPE have different bridge mode behavior as you saw. It's a design for user convenient access and manage LTE7460 that when LTE7460 switch to bridge mode it will create a iptable rule for only on LAN device which obtain IP…
  • Hi Dylan , can you check Network Connection information on LTE2566 display screen whether get WAN IP(Menu>Network Connection)? If LTE2566 not get WAN IP, then check APN information on web GUI if it setup as your Network service provider accepted(Access GUI>Configure>Network>WAN>Dial-Up Profile:Manual>check APN)?
  • Hi Sir, Thanks for your interested in our product For VMG1312-T20B in TR, we only sell this model to ISP correctly so that’s why you cannot find it on website.
  • Hi Nikos, Please check your inbox message. Regards, Bob
  • Hi Shawn_S , VoLTE is a customized software feature for ISP.Please refer the information from Zyxel global website.https://www.zyxel.com/tw/zh/products_services/4G-LTE-A-Indoor-IAD-LTE3316-M604/specifications
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