Understanding AP Live tool ‘s usage
When the traffic button is not played, the usage refers to the average consumption over the last 15 minutes. When the traffic button is played, it displays the usage at the exact moment of each polling. Please note: The traffic is measured at the uplink port of the APs, which is where the AP connects to the network. Usage…
Resolve “Device is already registered by another user”, however, the Nebula QR is missing?
Scenario: Suppose you've purchased a used AP and wish to add it to your Nebula site, or you've unregistered your AP from Nebula cloud mode and want to transfer it between organizations (where each organization belongs to a different account). You encounter the message: "Device is already registered by another user. Add the…
What does 'Heavy Loading' on an AP mean?
Heavy loading (%), this represents the percentage of Access Points (APs) experiencing client overload relative to all online APs. Client overload status on an AP can occur due to one of the following two scenarios: When the user does not configure the Load Balance feature, there are 32 and above stations connected on the…
Understanding about AP Usage
This shows the amount of data consumed by the clients in a specific time period. The traffic is counted at the uplink port of the APs where the AP connects to the network. When an AP is functioning as a Repeater AP, its usage data will display as zero. This is because the unified calculation of AP traffic relies on the…
How track the wireless clients’ applications usage?
You serve as the network manager for an educational institution or a corporate environment. You've recently used to Zyxel Nebula for its functionalities and the ease of cloud-based management. You're now looking to generate an analysis of application usage of the wireless clients. This FAQ offers a straightforward tutorial…
How can I verify if a client has been successfully blocked?
Q: How can I verify if a client has been successfully blocked? A: There are 2 places to verify it: At Nebula, go to Clients > Client list tab, choose Access point clients, then check if the 'Policy' column shows "Blocked" for this client on the same page. Go to Monitor > Access points > Event log
What password should I use to access the web GUI of my AP managed by Nebula?
Q: What password should I use to access the web GUI of my AP managed by Nebula? A: Since the device is managed by Nebula, the default password is changed to the one found in Configure > Site settings > Device configuration sectionin Nebula.
Could I still access AP's web GUI while it is managed by Nebula?
Q: Could I still access AP's web GUI while it is managed by Nebula? A: Of course you could access AP's web GUI. The web GUI provides specific functionalities such as: Dashboard: Displays general information about the device and cloud control status. Configure management IP address and VLAN settings: This allows you to set…
How do I find the IP address of my AP managed by Nebula?
Q: How do I find the IP address of my AP managed by Nebula? A: You can find the device's IP address under the Devices > Access points > LAN IP column in Nebula or by using the ZON tool.
How to access the AP's Web GUI when managed by Nebula
Background Users may need to access the device web GUI after registering the device on Nebula for various reasons, such as monitoring device status or troubleshooting. The usage of the web GUI when the AP is managed by Nebula When the AP is managed by Nebula and operating in cloud mode, the web GUI provides specific…
Is there a limit to the wireless client's Allow list/Block list on Nebula?
Blacklist (Block list): 512 clients Whitelist (Allow list): 256 clients Note: These limits are consistent across different models managed by Nebula.
The valid range of voucher code length?
The valid range for the length of the unique code on each voucher is 6 – 10.
The maximum value for the Voucher increments
Vouchers can be set to specific time increments to limit access to users who you authorize to use the network for a specific period of time. Duration (hours): Sets how long the voucher is valid after it has been activated, in hours. The valid range for this setting is 1 – 8760. Purge after (days): Sets how long a…
How to Resolve Issues of specific client unable to connect to WiFi SSID?
In enterprise network scenarios, it is not uncommon to encounter issues where a wireless client cannot connect to the WiFi SSID. This may occur even when the SSID is authenticated by any encryption. Steps To diagnose the issue, we need to inspect the client's authentication attempts and the AP's information. [Nebula side]…
What is the maximum number of vouchers you can create at one time?
You can create up to 999 vouchers in a single instance.
Can I see the AP’s Ethernet client on Nebula?
You can see the WAC500H’s Ethernet clients only (Only in Live tool, not in the clients list). Navigating to Device > Access points > Choose WAC500H >Live tool > Wired stations.
Issue as Apple iOS Devices aren’t shown the Captive Portal
In case, Android, Windows and other clients are working flawless with captive portal but Apple iOS, you can try accessing a website as NeverSSL - Connecting ... This can often trigger the captive portal redirect. Moreover, Apple devices use a feature called "Captive Network Assistant, sometimes, this feature can cause…
How can I block a client from accessing WiFi using the Nebula Mobile APP?
The Nebula Mobile APP provides an intuitive interface that allows you to block and control clients from accessing WiFi networks with just a few clicks. Here are the steps: Open the Nebula Mobile APP and go to the Dashboard. Here, you can see the number of wireless clients. In this example, there are 2 Wireless clients.…
How can I block a specific client from accessing WiFi network?
Situation: Users may sometimes need to block a specific client from accessing their WiFi network. This could be due to security reasons, bandwidth management, or to prevent unauthorized access. The "Policy" feature on Nebula is beneficial as it allows network administrators to have better control over who can access their…
How to resolve WiFi disconnection issues with IoT devices?
1/ Create a new SSID exclusively for the IoT device can take to address this problem effectively. Navigate to Configure > WiFI SSID settings, type the SSID name and toggle Enabled. Navigate to Configure > Access point > SSID advanced settings Set the security as WPA2 personal is highest (or Open/ WPA1). Select "2.4GHz…