Zyxel FWA510 eSIM
Hello everyone I have an esim QR code and I want to buy a router which supports esim and install it inside the router. So, I found two types of zyxel's routers in my state but I don't know which of them support esim. First type is ZYXEL NR5101 and the second is ZYXEL FWA510. So, Anyone have idea that which one of these…
Nebula Switch Authentication allow to use both External Radius and Nebula Cloud
User @SkyGoat hopes the Nebula switch authentication can enable both External radius server and Nebula cloud authentication at the same time. If any user likes this idea, please feel free to leave a comment and give it a vote. Original post
Cross-Org site clone with device movement also clone device name
This idea post requests that "Cross-Org site clone with device movement also clone device name". If any user likes this idea, please feel free to leave a comment and give it a vote. Original post
Reverse AP tags
I have a few scenarios where I have 4 SSID's at a site, but a few AP's I only want to have broadcast one SSID. It would be nice if we had an option for "reverse tags", in other words, the AP would only broadcast the SSID's associated with tags. Unless I am missing something, currently the only way to work around this is to…
Devices "Expiration Date" column can be sorted in License and Inventory
User @AlexWheeler_Seetec hopes the device's "Expiration Date" column can be sorted in License and Inventory. If anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave a comment or click vote. The votes and comments will be part of our evaluation process. Original post
Nebula support for RADsec
Please add radius support for RADsec to Nebula managed AP's.
For App section devices
Under devices in the app you are able to see usage (in past 24 hours) could it be possible to add option to see status of online/offline, like it is on the web portal. You know with the green bar showing online and of offline gray, thanks :)
Add feature to allow turning off 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands on individual AP's.
Currently, the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands can only be turned off at SSID level, for all access points. Being able to turn off individual bands on individual AP's is a critical feature that is available on most enterprise WIFI products in order to solve 2.4ghz/5ghz intereference. If we're trying to reduce interference and we…
Visual indicator for manually disabled ports
Sometimes I need to disable a port for troubleshooting, and it is very easy to forget about it. It would be great if Nebula gave a visual indicator or icon for ports that are disabled. Something simple to add the legend like a little red X.
NAT rules
We use USG210 with 164 NAT rules, all current devices seem to have a limit of 100 What product should we upgrade to?
WiFi Aid doesn't need to report Blocked Client Connections
Currently, if you block a Client device from connecting to Zyxel WiFi via the Block policy function, this triggers WiFi Aid's alerting system as a connection failure. Having the Blocked device's connection attempts still show up in the Event Log is fine and still useful, but I'd like to suggest that the WiFi Aid tool can…
Displaying the Channel Width of Each Connected AP Client
User @Chris888 proposes implementing a feature that displays the channel width of each connected AP client. This topic was raised in the following discussion: If anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave a comment or click vote. The votes and comments will be part of our evaluation process.
IP static reservation on DHCP client
User @vining proposes that IP static reservation on DHCP client in NCC. If anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave a comment or click vote. Original post
Raise the limit on allowed IP's in NAT rules
Can we raise the limit on the allowed ip in the NAT rules. The limit is 8 or 10, but i need to be able to allow more ip to the NAT rules.
Provide flexible channel width options in radio settings
To ensure that most devices can utilize the 2.4GHz service and to prevent specific devices from experiencing connection issues, the current design of the AP is intended to facilitate the connection of the majority of clients to the APs. In the current design, if the AP detects devices in the environment that only support a…
Enhancing Device Access Visualization: Extending Topology Functionality for VLANs and SecurityPolicy
Would it be possible to create an extension to the current topology function to filter devices based on VLANs and security policies? This would be a valuable addition to visualizing device access.
When i use Nebula App on Iphone, when adding the hardware by scanning QR code, the camera-in-app can not be focus on the small QR code on devices. I need to take an the phone, take a picture and zoom bigger to scan by Iphone Nebula app. It will be difficult if i go to install new site with 2nd phone with me. Please check…
Firewall "order" LAN interface
Please add the option to order or "sort" the LAN interface window. When creating multiple-vlan's it's nasty to have vlan 10 at the bottom when vlan 20, 30 and 40 are in ascending order. Vlan 10 was later created, thus it got thrown to the bottom of the list, but this is not very friendly to they eyes and the OCD of most of…
Migration Tool/Converter local Firewall to Nebula
A Converter / Migration Tool would be needed to migrate a local Firewall to Nebula. It is hard to believe that it is not possible to develope a migration tool for this purpose - seeing other conversion tools created on the fly when needed … one of the first KB articles on zyxel about this topic was in 2018…
VPN to spesific LAN, from Non-Nebula VPN peers
Would it be possible to have a rule, so I could spesify, whitch LAN to have VPN to. Not only LAN1. I need to have VPN to a spesific LAN, from Non-Nebula VPN peer.