Seriously, your ideas could be new feature for Nebula!
Hello Nebula Forum Members, Do you have moments that if your own thoughts or ideas can make better experience when using Nebula? <3 We can make your wish come true! <3 Simply start a new post here describing your fabulous ideas for features or services you wish to have! Once your ideas get lots of vote , we will give it to…
VPN with Snapdragon ARM
There are more and more devices with Snapdragon CPUs using ARM architecture. We need the configuration script to set up remote access VPN.
Port security / cloud authentication record authentication failure log
User @Dpj requires Nebula switch to record an authentication failure log when Port security / cloud authentication fails. Anyone who also needs this log, please leave your comment and give this idea a vote. Orignial post
ordering listst
Hi all, It would be nice when it would be possible to order lists. like when you create vlans, i like to have nice ordered lists, but for example you have vlan 1 3 and 5, and then you want to add an new vlan nr. 2, then your list becomes 1, 3, 5, 2. It would be nice if you can order it afterwards. the same with dhcp…
Nebula Access Point Secondary DNS
Hi guys, in the Nebula Access Point network configuration is not possible to assign a static IP as secondary DNS server and setting up the network using DHCP the access point gets only a primary DNS server. I hope, soon as possible in the new firmware release we can setup a secondary DNS server. Obviously nowadays if the…
Saving one click when launching firewall Remote Configurator
Hello, whew one opens Site-wide\Monitor\Devices\Firewall in "live tools" zone the default active tool si Remote SSH. IMHO Remote Configurator is by far more used than Remote SSH: to set "Remote Configurator" as default would save many user 1 click
Naming Clients Improvements
On the Site Wide > Clients page it is possible to rename a device. However the name entered is site specific, meaning that if that client moves to another site, the name reverts back to the MAC address on that site. Please change it so that the names are Organisation Wide. Meaning that if a client is named on any…
Organisation Wide Client Page
In Site-wide > Clients you can see the devices connected on the currently selected site. Please make an additional menu option, view or page that combines all the Clients from All Sites into one list. If you have a highly mobile workforce that can connect from a number of different sites, it means having to click through…
Nebula app
We are missing an option in the Nebula app. Through the portal there is an option to configure port profiles. This option is missing in the app. I hope this can be added. Yours dennis
Extend options with API
We have an MSP license for Zyxel Nebula. But with the API you cannot retrieve MSP level information. For example searching through the changelog with the API. This way i can find when a new organization is created for example Als maybe it would be nice if i can download the logs with the API Further it would be nice if i…
Enlarge the maximum number of NAT rule on USG LITE 60AX
User @antohsu hope USG LITE 60AX can enlarge the number of NAT rule, so he can configure the needed ports for his MailPlus Server. Anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave your comment and give it a vote! Original post
Nebula Cloud - Authentication - SSO with Azure AD (AAD) or SAML
It would be really great and overall administration management simplified if Nebula Cloud would be capable to use SSO integration with Azure AD (AAD). Or at least supporting SAML. Kind of vote for AAD SSO to make life significantly easier :-) Thanks
Zyxel account 2FA with Passkey
Login in every day on my desktop opening the (e. g. Microsoft) authenticator on my phone and keying in the 6 digit code is not very comfortable. When will you support passkeys (and thus with biometric authentication) or at least to optionally store the 2FA token in a browser cookie for quite some days? Thank you in advance…
Improve the port UI of SCR50AXE on Nebula
User @GiuseppeR hope the port UI of SCR50AXE on Nebula can be improved as switch port UI. If anyone likes this idea, please leave your comment and give it a vote. Original post
limit bandwidth on Access points
User @Dpj hopes the bandwidth limit in the traffic shaping page can improve the UI when set to unlimited. the row would be green instead of white. If anyone likes this idea, please leave your comments and give it a vote. Original post
Routing policy redesign on Nebula with WANs connectivity check
Hello everyone, as you know there is a limitation on design regarding policy route on Nebula platform. If you set a rule for routing there is no way to tell that rule to re-route traffic if the specified WAN goes down. You can check that issue here: I think it would be great to add this layer of usability, disabling the…
Ability to block devices from connecting to SSID in Nebula
It would be great if I could prevent entire groups of devices (e.g. iPhone, Android, iPad) from connecting to certain SSIDs. For example blocking cell phones from connecting to the main SSID and allowing them on the Guest wireless.
CaptivePortal Active Directory integration with UserPrincipalName attribute
Hi, We would like to suggest you to change the AD attribute used by the Nebula Captive Portal Authentication Server integrated with AD to allow the AD users, from SamAccountName (a very old attribute with only 20 characters without domain suffix) to UserPrincipalName, or… at least, allow us to change it. Thank You
Email Collaborative Detection & Response
Ciao, I've different organization on the same city and when arrive an email of CDR I always have trouble to identificate immedially the org > site… Please can you add in the email the field ORGANIZATION > SITE? From this To this I think it need around 10/15 seconds to do I''m sure… Thanks in advance :)
Wireless bridge
I have a mesh network with six NWA 130. ’all controlled with Nebula. One of my ap NWA 130 I am using the function wireless bridge of a special reason. I discovered that when a divice is connected to the ap LAN port you are not able to see that in Nebula. while if it has been a switch instead of the ap port all had been in…
Enhancement: Firewall with notification of 15 days expiring has another license of 2 years queued
User @GiuseppeR suggests enhancing the license expiring notification banner once the firewall has assigned another security license. If anyone likes this idea, please feel free to leave your comment and give it a vote. Original post