Help with routing from site 1 to site 3 (site1==site2==site3)
Hi, I've the following situation: SITE1(Zyxel)==IPsec tunnel==SITE2(Zyxel)==IPsec tunnel==SITE3(StrongSwan) Site1: - Zyxel USG FLEX 500, subnet Site2: - Zyxel ZyWall 110, subnet Site3: - Ubuntu, StrongSwan, subnet Hosts from Site1 can ping hosts from Site2 (and vice versa).…
Is It Possible To Export...
All my Objects - Users, Address, Address Group, Service Security Policy - Policy Control Basically anything I would have to reenter if I needed to replace or upgrade my USG20-VPN Thank you.
Standby firmware update... part 2nd
Hi, i asked info about how to update the standby firmare of my ATP 500 without the need to reboot the Firewall neither to reboot to standby firmare. I got an answer to the post here: https://community.zyxel.com/en/discussion/13013/standby-firmware-update#latest I followed the steps as suggested in the post, so i updated…
USG FLEX 100 - DHCP: PC obtain ip from router
Hi!! I have this network: ONT FTTH | | | AVM fritzbox -------- ATM (DHCP)||| static USG FLEX 100 LAN1192.168.100.1 dhcp SERVER ENABLE ||LOCAL LAN SWITCH UNMANAGED I have a big problem: from some days, if I leave a dhcp client enable on lan the address assigned is 192.168.188.x from AVM.... But I…
Enabling uPnP on VMG3625
Hi, I have a VMG3625 router and use a Bryon camera door bell but have found the app slow to react on my phone. The company suggest enabling uPnP on the router but I can not see how to do that. Any help would be appreciated!
Match default rule - connection drop - Qnap HBS3 - NAT & Firewall USG60
Hi everyone, I'm having an issue with a service running on a USG60. The USG is performing perfectly, I've setup several NAT & Firewall rules which are working. Now i'm trying to connect a remote QNAP with HBS3 over port 8899 to my own QNAP. The external computer does not go past the firewall, i'm getting in the log "match…
MyZyxel Missing Devices
I need your help because the devices we have registered have disappeared from the myZyxel portal. In the portal they do not appear when selecting "Device Management". However, if we want to "Register the device", the portal says "The device has already been registered.". Thank you for your help
VPN L2TP on android 12
I have a client with an android 12 device who wants to connect to a USG100 which does not support the Ikev2 protocol. Is there an app to solve the problem or a fix on the zywall side? Or should I think about changing the firewall?
USG Flex 200 Cannot Connect To Cloud
Here is what I have done: connect internet to wan port connect laptop to lan port Upgrade firmware Transfer control to NCC. But still it shows red color. AP and switch connected as downlink are green and online. Firewall still red and offline. What did I do wrong.
Doubt implementation.
Hello everyone, I have a question about how to carry out an implementation and I wanted to consult with you, to see if I find any way that I do not know. I will explain the situation and the setting. Imagine that after my Zywall I have 2 NAS (not to complicate much). They both use port 21, and let's say it should stay that…
VMG8029 als Unter-Router funktioniert irgendwie nicht
Hallo, ich versuche gerade einen VMG8029 (lan1 als Unter-Router an einem anderen Router (Lan zu betreiben. Beim Haupt-Router is DHCP ( - 150) aktiviert. Der VMG8029 wurde auf Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt und über die WAN2 Buchse an einen Lan Port des Haupt-Routers…
Attempt to login to USG50, Chrome reports ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
I would like to confirm that the USG50 can also be configured (using CLI or web interface) to increase its minimum security level so that current Google Chrome is satisfied. Additionally, would this change impact any existing security definitions for VPNs?
Can I use the (USG20-VPN) as a Firewall Only between my Cable Modem and my Router?
I am in the process of purchasing an (USG20-VPN) but I must know first if it an be used as a Firewall only between my Cable Modem and my Router.
Access Linux/Mac clients by hostname
Hi all, i can not access linux and mac clients by hostname with my USG Flex 200 in Nebula. mDNS is activated on all clients and it works with another router without any problems. What ist my fault? How I can access linux and mac clients by hostname? Thanks!
LAN DNS resolution by description / mac address
Hello, is it possible to access the clients by the description as hostname in nebula cloud. Many consumer/professional routers provide this feature, but i cant get it work with nebula. Is there any other feature providing dns for lan clients by MAC Address (not by ip)?
ATP500 and Hotspot
Hello there We are using atp500 and we have 2 vlans. There is also Mikrotik in vlan10. I want to be in the hotspot Mikrotik, which will do the DHCP and atp500 logging. vlan10 ip address , Mikrotik ip address What path should we follow?
On premises cloud firmware update from V5.21(ABFU.1) to 5.30(ABFU.0)
Hi, is it possible to do a cloud update from V5.21(ABFU.1) to 5.30(ABFU.0) on my on premises ATP 500? I am asking this cause in the "fw_zyxel_1_fw_note.pdf" file in the "readme first" section you can read: For On-Premises mode with High Available (HA) feature enabled, please DO
NOT use cloud firmware upgrade. You will need…
ZLD 4.x failing report send (SMTP) is logged?
USG40, Firmware 4.71. Working "correctly". Using SMTP server (port 465, SSL/TLS) for delivering reports. Which never ever worked. The mailbox/mail service (NOT GOOGLE) works fine for a lot of other devices, but my dear Zyxel firewall seems not willing to cooperate. No log entry for any kind of troubleshooting. Email…
USG 200 Felx, filter DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH) ?
Hi, how can I filter DNS over TLS (DoT) and DNS over HTTPS (DoH) on the current USG 200 Flex? I found this article, but it only talks about ATP. https://community.zyxel.com/en/discussion/13220/2022-issue-10-why-browsers-can-be-a-security-loophole#latest
Zyxel LTE 2566 randomly restarts itself
Hello everybody, I've bought myself an LTE modem Zyxel LTE 2566 and it randomly restarts itself. I've been having it for a month and it randomly restarts 0-3 times a day, but I use it only for like 5 hours every day. Yesterday I got a different device of the same Zyxel LTE 2566 model and today it restarted itself too,…