Amg1302-t11c problem connecting with chromecast
can anyone advise if they have had problems connecting Chromecast and of so how they overcame it please? #CPE_Jan_2019
Zyxel 5501 bekommt keine IPv6 ?
Hallo, ich möchte gern den 5501 an einem Anschluss der Deutschen Glasfaser nutzen. Der 5501 wird über die WOE-Buchse an den GF-NT angeschlossen, konfiguriert auf "Betrieb hinter einem Router(DHCP-Server). Läuft auch alles soweit, nur erhält der 5501 partout keine IPv6-Verbindung. Wenn ich eine FB 7490 anschliese, aktiviere…
P-660HN-T1A, How i can upgrade my devise
P-660HN-T1ACurrent Firmware Version: 1.02(VBV.2) Please help me dear support #SP_Jan_2020
home light not lit
The power and Ethernet lights are green the home is off. Is this equipment kaput? #Others_Jan_2020
Nordic letters in the name of the folder being shared prevent the creation of a new share
Hardware: VMG3926-B10A; Provided by Elisa, a Finnish operator. Section: Network Setting | USB Service | Files Sharing Firmware: VMG3926-B10A_Elisa11_V513AARB9D0Screen-shots from: Linux Fedora The Nordic letters in the name of the folder being shared prevent the creation of a new share. #SP_Jan_2020
Where's macOS Catalina driver for Zyxel NWD6605?
Hi! My Wifi-adapter Zyxel NWD6605 don't work with macOS Catalina. I've tried install driver for macOS Sierra (for this I disable Gatekeeper who don't let install this driver). But my WiFi-Adapter is shown as Ethernet-Adapter. When support wifi-adapter for macOS Catalina will appear? #Others_Jan_2020
ZyXEL Powerline AV1200/1300 Ethernet Adapter 2-Pack
i have the above system in my house. the question is how many adaptors I can conect into the same system? #PLA_Jan_2020
XMG3512-B10A User Manual?
Hello Everybody, I recently got a Zyxle XMG3512-B10A from my local ISP and I always keep the user manuals in case I need to troubleshoot when things go wrong. I went to Zyxel.com and there was nothing mentioning the XMG3512-B10A like it doesn't exist.Any help would be appreciated! #SP_Jan_2020
AMG1302-T11C & Dynamic DNS
Does this router support NOIP as a DNS service provider? The manual states that DYNDNS can be used as a service provider but there is a drop down list with supposedly other dns providers. Is NOIP included in the list? #SP_Jan_2020
AMG1302-T11C Homesharing
Since having the Post Office Broadband and the Zyxel AMG1302-T11C my Apple devices don't connect. Having been through everything with Apple we've narrowed it down to Port 5353 which isn't 'open' on the router. Does anyone have a simple way of changing this so I can use not only Homesharing but also Bonjour neither of which…
WAN port on VMG3926-B10A
Can I use the WAN port on the VMG3926-B10A as a 5th LAN port? (My VDSL is plugged into the RJ11 port) #SP_Jan_2020
vmg8823-b50b access is limited
Hi, I can access the internet via lan, but it's limited via wifi. The issue is for 1 notebook, every other device is ok. That notebook works with other wifi networks with no problems. Is there anything that can be done? #SP_Jan_2020
VMG3925-B10B port forwarding does not work! What is going on?
Hi, I'm not super great with networking, but I tried port forwarding on my VMG3925-B10B, where I added a new rule in the NAT tab under port forwarding where I passed the start/end point and for the server IP I passed my local IPv4 address. But when I test if the port is open using my public IP address, it tells me the port…
Can i use a router ADSL2+ on a connection ADSL ? #SP_Jan_2020
VMG3312-T20A, Roteador
Tenho um roteador modelo VMG3312-T20A, e não consigo acessar a pagina Meu provedor de internet não deixa acesso as configurações liberado aos clientes e tambem não faz bloqueio de segurança em sites, mas preciso bloquear alguns site e não consigo. Tem algum outro caminho para ter acesso as configurações…
VMG8825-B50B new firmware
Hi, is it in roadmap a new fw release for VMG8825-B50B after the actual 5.13(ABNY.2)C0? Thanks Stefano #SP_Jan_2020
VMG8828 from Wind ISP doesn't show the attainable net data rate
Hi, I have this model issued to me by my ISP. The problem is that when I look at the xDSL log file, it doesn't show the attainable net data rate stat. With my previous Zyxel, the VMG8825, I was able to see the attainable net data rate too. Is there any way to see it? #SP_Jan_2020
Dmz model 88255 wind
Non riesco ad aprire il dmz in questo modello #SP_Jan_2020
ZyXEL set up
how can I set up my old ZyXEL repeater and connect to my new network? #Repeater_Jan_2020
Where weird connections coming from to my Keenetic 4g III router?
Hello. I have this router and it has only 3 cables connected: Power cable WAN (ISP ethernet cable) LAN1 cable which comes into my PC Router's WiFi is disabled. In network tab I see some weird device connects and disconnect every minute. And my log flooded with this weird messages: <div>Jan 16 14:22:07 ndhcps _WEBADMIN:…