hi judy - I solved this. It doesn’t allow the use of the button because I have 160MHz width selected. It’s intelligent and changing the width to 80MHz makes the button available. As you know, there’s presumably nowhere else to choose a position for avslot 160MHz wide in 5GHz. I hope I’ve got that right.
Could be because the width is 160 MHz?
Know why, but it doesn’t let me select DCS. It could be (FYI - I only have one WAP just now.
If I make the second WAP’s config the same as the first, will the two WAPs not simply fight over the same range of frequencies in 5GHz, say?
I would need to import my large L2_isolation lists. I don’t think I’m going to go for Nebula.
Thanks Judy, that’s extremely helpful. A couple of questions: Can I convert a standalone config to Nebula without losing everything? Do I need to ceiling-mount the WAPs?
Another thought: Where is IPv6? In the table only IPv4 addresses are listed. What about stations that only have IPv6? What about stations that don’t use IP at all, but use other L3 protocols or solely L2 protocols on the WLAN? Unlikely, I know, but far from impossible. This is possibly a design bug based on a spurious…